你是否把时间安排得满满的,甚至不堪重负?如今拥有排满日程的人不止你一个!不妨试试给你的日程表减肥吧,那就是要善于向新的任务说不!无论你是一口答应下来的任务,还是抱着那个“你无所不能”的误导性信念,学着拒绝是你能帮自己和所爱的人的最好办法!因为这一“拒绝”可以降低你的焦虑水平,释放你的压力,并且给你足够的时间来做那些真正重要的事情。难度:易时间:非常短,而且它将为重要的事情腾出时间!下面是具体做法:Difficulty: EasyTime Required: Very Little, And It’ll Free Up Time For What’s Important!Here’s How:1. Just say, “I’m sorry; I’m not able to do this right now.” Use a sympathetic, but firm tone. If pressured as to why, reply that it doesn’t fit with your schedule, and change the subject. Most reasonable people will accept this as an answer, so if someone keeps pressuring you, they’re being rude, and it’s okay to just repeat, “I’m sorry, but this just doesn’t fit with my schedule,’ and change the subject, or even walk…